Department Name:- HINDI
Department Profile:
In the year of 1958 Established the U.G.HINDI Departement & year of 1977 Established P.G.HINDI Departement
HOD Desk:- Dr. Manjeet Arora (Proffessoer)
Year of establishment:- U.G.-1958 & P.G.-1977
Name of the HoD:- Dr. Manjeet Arora
Area of Specialization:- Poetry
Number of faculty:- 5
Department Faculty
S.No | Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | Exp |
1 | Dr. Manjeet Arora | M.A,Ph.D | Proffesser | Poetry | 36 |
2 | Dr. Parasmani Gupta | M.A,Ph.D | Proffesser | Poetry | 36 |
3 | Dr. Shambusingh Manhar | M.A,LLB,Ph.D | Asst.Proffesser | Poetry | 23 |
4 | Dr. Gayatri Chouhan | M.A,Ph.D | Asst.Proffesser | Poetry | 15 |
5 | Dr. Raju Hamir Desai | M.A,Ph.D | Asst.Proffesser | 15 |
Strenth:-1-Deparment has sufficient books of hindi language and literature There are two proffesser who are much experienced
Weakness:-2-There is no computer facility in the Department The Department lacks research journal
Future Plan:-3-To be establish Research Center in Hindi because of all Permanent faculties are Ph.D Holder Well furnished and well equipped seprate department with Broadband Connection