Criterian 6

Criterion 6 : Governance, Leadership and Management

  • Metric 6.1.1 ->
    Governance in Tube with vision and mission
  • Metric 6.1.2 ->
    Practice for Decentralization and Participative Management
  • Metric 6.2.2 ->
    Organizational structure, administrative setup and functions of various bodies
  • Metric 6.2.4 ->
    Effectiveness and implementation of the resolutions of Committee
  • Metric 6.3.1 ->
    Welfare Schemes for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
  • Metric 6.3.2 ->
  • Metric 6.4.1 ->
    Receipts and Payments 2013- 14 to 2017-18
  • D.V.V. Clarification ->
    6.3.2: Certificate of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years
  • 6.4.1 DVV Receipts and Payments